15 thoughts on “If Guns Don’t Kill People Why Do We Give People Guns When They Go To War?

    • With drones we don’t need to send guns OR people, we just do it with bombs from the comfort of our office in Virginia

  1. because killing someone with a spoon is more difficult and bringing the guns to kill the bad people is bad?. you think osama bin laden could have been killed without a gun . or hitler commiting suicide (with a gun)

  2. Ill sort it for you illogical muppets Guns DON’T kill people.
    PEOPLE kill PEOPLE with Guns. You all got that? Iv got 150 guns and gess what iv never killed a spider let alone a person with a gun.
    Only a fool would think an inanimate object is dangerous.
    Just to top it off Cars kill more people than guns by a 10000% margin but you own one of those don’t you.
    Your argument is now invalid. ( by the way the margin is the world not just the USA)

    • Hi Brad, if Guns don’t kill people then why do we give people guns when they go to war? We could just send people and save a lot of money.
      Also, guns make it very, very easy to kill people. Only a fool would not see the problem that causes. By extending your logic we might as well give everyone nuclear bombs; after all, nuclear bombs don’t kill people. Right? Your argument is proven false. Sorry Brad!

      • Sorry but the point is that an inanimate object cannot kill. It is the people that do the killing. I put my AR on the table and told it to shoot someone,,, sorry to tell you but nothing happened.

      • Actually no. Brad’s argument was not proven false. Not to mention that people should be allowed to own whatever they want. Strawman arguments are also not very valid either. Anti gun nitwits are nitwits.

      • Actually, no they aren’t. Websites like The Washington Post constantly cherrypick statistics and such in their favor and in order to pass bullshit agendas. It’s not a new fad.

  3. Hello there! Please tell me how easy it would be and how many wars would we even win without guns. Please tell me how the inanimate object has a conscience and the ability to just hop out of your hand and kill people. It’s totally not like people go out and buy these weapons and have their OWN intentions. So your saying that people are ALL just innocent and nobody who ever used a gun has killed a person? Your saying that the gun has committed the crime? Then why do we send murderers to prison? Tell me why we don’t just send the guns to prison?

  4. Because they don’t Mr. Osbourne. Ozzy and company really just need to shut up and disappear already. As pointed out, inanimate objects don’t kill people and don’t have minds of their own. People like Ozzy need to shut the fuck up. We shouldn’t even be going to war to begin with as war is wasteful and doesn’t accomplish much of anything. These people again really need to just shut up and leave our gun rights alone already. Those partisan Facebook pages are complete bilge as well.

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