The Proof that God Exists is the same Proof that Spiderman Exists

The Proof that God Exists is the same Proof that Spiderman Exists
The Proof that God Exists is the same Proof that Spiderman Exists

9 thoughts on “The Proof that God Exists is the same Proof that Spiderman Exists

  1. This is an irrational argument known (oddly enough) as the Spiderman Fallacy:

    “An atheist that I was dialoging with last week tried to support his disbelief in Jesus through the use of the “Spiderman fallacy”, which is a contrived argument that has been defined in the following way by Urban Dictionary:

    Archaeologists 1,000 years from now unearth a collection of Spiderman comics. From the background art, they can tell it takes place in New York City. NYC is an actual place, as confirmed by archaeology. However, this does not mean that Spiderman existed.

    Often used to illustrate the flaw in the assertion by evangelical Christians that archaeologists unearthing biblical cities today “proves” that the Bible was written by a supernatural force.

    The Spiderman Fallacy is committed any time the discovery of a mundane element from a myth, legend, or story is taken to mean that ALL other parts of that story, even the supernatural, are also true.

    Let me explain why I believe atheists should not use this argument to try and support their skeptical position on the Bible and/or whether Jesus actually existed.”

    • I totally agree with you. The Spiderman argument is silly, but it is just in fun. There are thousands of better arguments against the existence of Jesus and or any Gods, but this at least gets some people to think about it.

  2. Whoever did this, you have offended me greatly. I am a Christian, I go to Meadowbrook Baptist Church, and I can tell you that Spiderman comics greatly differ from the Holy Bible. Spiderman was introduced by Marvel comics in probably the 1970s or 1980s, but the Holy Bible has been around for years and years and years.
    Spiderman is a superhero from a franchise of comics made by creative people who love their jobs, but the bible is a relic from times gone past us. It is a handbook for the complicated and sin-filled lives we live today. The bible shows the existence of The Lord and some of his miracles are displayed even today in our everyday lives. You may see the Holy Bible as superstition, as something people like me love to worship and give our valuable time to. But you’re wrong, the bible isn’t superstition and neither is God. Christ died for my sins because he loved me so much that he took all the pain I deserved and put it on himself. He is coming back someday, and he is going to take me and all of my brothers and sisters in Christ to live with him in heaven. Spiderman isn’t real, The Lord is. Head to a church when you decide you don’t want to be blinded by Lucifer and his powers of sin anymore. The Lord will be waiting for you, he always has…..

  3. The book about Spider-man is tall tales and the Bible is about people who were led by God. So that comparison is not a good one.

  4. This is a bad comparison. Spider-man is all tall tales because it’s not even based on real-life events, but the bible is all about real-life people who were led by God. So this is а bad comparison.

  5. All you Christians are missing the point. I’m agnostic btw. The point is that they are both stories. One is made to be fiction, the other is made to be non fiction but you can’t prove anything from the Bible.. scepters turned to snakes, giant cyclops, fitting two of every animal into one boat? Sounds a lot like a comic book to me lol

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